4,3,2,1 ! The countdown is on!
Starting tomorrow, Monday, November 3rd, I have only FOUR more radiation treatments! Then I have completed my “active treatments” … and move on to hormonal therapy, specifically, Tamoxifen.
YaaaaHoooo! I say! Chemotherapy and radiation therapy almost done! I AM proud. It WAS hard. And the journey is not over yet. Soon the real journey of recovery and healing will begin.
The journey to change my entire life begins.
Breast cancer has already changed how I think. Now I must change my outer life to match. I will need time to find myself again. I do already feel kind of lost. Fortunately, I am not alone in this “lost” feeling. It is pretty common, apparently, from what I have read and been told by experts.
My radiation oncologist has recommended that I not work for at least 6-7 months and she explained why most women need all of that time after their final treatments have been completed. It makes total sense. BUT. Financially … how will I do that? 6-7 months without an income when I have already been challenged financially during treatments and surgeries for many months.
I’m putting it out to the Universe, and putting on my thinking cap, to see what solutions I can come up with, to pull myself through the next many months of healing my body, mind and soul.
There is much to be done, to recover and to heal.
I will post again soon, but I end this post once again, with gratitude.
I am incredibly thankful for the mind-blowing kindness I have experienced over the last many months.
The goodness of people, is so beautiful and is so inspiring, and I am SO fortunate to have been touched by SO many people with emails and messages via multiple social networks, and mail (YES, real snail mail) … and cards and letters and notes and parcels, gifts, and telephone calls.
The support and the LOVE that I have received from hundreds of people online, has been a lifeline. YOU helped pull me through the toughest of times, and I thank YOU.
May you be blessed with good health and with love, and with the strength, support and courage you need, to meet any and all challenges that life may bring you, with grace and with gusto.