#johima58 project

#johima58 project

On April 11th 2019 I announced to my Instagram world that starting on my 58th birthday (April 13th) that I would make something creative every day for a year. Yes, #createeveryday no matter what. It didn’t matter whether it is my photography or a drawing, a doodle, some writings, my own quotes or poetry, a…

Look Up

Look up. Shut down that phone, look up from that display. We have a finite existence, a set number of days … This is a re-post from 2014 but doesn’t hurt to repeat something that seems to just get worse as time passes by; our disconnection from ourselves and from other human beings. Look Up.…

Blogging Daily

So how is it going, blogging every day? (she laughs to herself) It is going exactly as I expected. Committing to writing, blogging, composing, crafting and publishing a blog post a day isn’t easy and I did not succeed. I applaud full-time bloggers who write for a living and create original content each and every…

Snippets of Wisdom

Snippets of Wisdom Today marks day ONE of a brand new feature that will be on my website regularly, and I am calling it “Snippets of Wisdom.” These will be tiny little sound clips of me speaking or reading, most often things that I have created and written myself, but sometimes will include writings by…