If I had one regret, it would be having listened to other people instead of myself, to my own intuition, and to my own gut.
Other people don’t know you, and they may be wrong, and they may not be able to see what you can see in the future, and they may not feel to the depths that you do, and they may not live in the world of the unknown and the unknowable as you do, and they may not be the risk takers that you may be.
Other people may be competitive and consciously or unconsciously be competing with you, undermining your success and goals.
Have you ever gone to the “wrong” people for advice? Often? Regularly? Usually good and loving family members, friends, colleagues, all mean well and they all want to help us. But they aren’t us. They do not know you, to the depths of your being. Only you do.
By going to the people for advice that you know cannot help you, it is like regularly going to drink from an empty well. You will get dehydrated and not feel so great.
Listen to yourself. Always be your own first wise counsel.
Your heart, mind, soul, gut, spirit and body can always guide you and are far wiser and more powerful than anything else out there. The Universe will in turn, listen and support you.
As you learn to develop and grow the skill of listening to yourself, even if you make mistakes in the beginning and even if it seems a little crazy in your own mind, the idea of listening to your self. Trust, YOU … the benefits WILL be worth it in the long run.
Regret No More. Life is Wild and Wonderful.
Always Love,