It did happen. To me.
- I’ve never tried a cigarette. Yep, never. I’m proud of it. It’s one thing I have always bragged about.
- I was an athlete most of my life. In elementary school, I’d be up in the upper field running with the boys playing football at recess. After school I went to softball practice, or, as I was on the school sports teams, volleyball and basketball, I went to practices and games. After supper I’d be out in the back lane riding my bike with all the other kids until sundown. On weekends I’d be out on my bike, or playing outdoors with my hockey stick and puck, or with my football or softball. I’d go to the tennis courts by myself on the days that I had nobody to play with and whack tennis balls again the practice wall. Yes! I had progressive parents who didn’t force me to have the girly stuff. I asked for a hockey stick for Christmas and I did get one, instead of a pink Barbie. (P.S. As far as dolls go, I DID have a very muscular, black, G.I. Joe MAN Barbie doll to play with! He was such a hunk, and playing with a black doll was the norm for me. I’m proud my parents did that way back then) On weekends my awesome Finnish Dad played softball and catch with me whenever he could. Or our family would hop into our home-made camper and pick-up truck (my Dad made the camper himself) and my father would drive us to a different lake or beach or camping spot almost every weekend, it seemed. My poor Mom had to pack us up to leave and then unload everything upon our return. (no wonder she didn’t want to go sometimes)
To Be Continued.