I was bald. I am balder.
I thought my hair was growing back, but a funny thing happened in Vancouver, when I had my shower to get ready for the concert. I washed my “hair” as usual, and towel-dried it afterwards … but noticed that I seemed to have less hair.
I did! I do. I am balder. LOL.
Really, it does not bother me at all, at all.
It is quite convenient having no hair. The chemotherapy and radiation are obviously still working on me.
My hair was “supposed” to begin growing back “approximately” 6 weeks after my last chemotherapy treatment. I am past that date now.
Oh well, no rush.
I have many many caps and toques and scarves, and so many cool things to wear that people have knitted or purchased and mailed to me. This way I can get to wearing them all!