The Daily Blog
In listening to two of my favourite people online, at the 44:40 point in this Chase Jarvis video interview with Seth Godin, you will hear Seth say, “I strongly urge people to have a blog; a daily blog.”
I watched this video a few times, when it was published in 2016, on CreativeLive and several times since.
At that time I decided to blog every day, every single day. I didn’t last. I quit.
Even way before that, many years prior I used to blog every day. Every single day I blogged, on another domain that I used to own.
I had a following, a blog with loads of photos, my paintings, cartoons and art, and my writings. Comments were open.
In a mini-temper-tantrum in the privacy of my own home, after seeing my art and writings being stolen on a regular basis, I clicked a button and it all went poof! Blog and website gone from the internet. I quit.
There! Nobody can steal anything from me anymore, I thought.
You see, you cannot stop people from stealing your stuff online. Don’t do what I did, quit and go into hiding.
The thing is, “I used to” means nothing. I used to blog. I used to run. I used to eat less. I used to write daily, on and on. What we need to do is to start over and never quit. Easy? No. Doable? Yes.
Seth says:
“If every single day, you blog a point of view, something you see, an assertion; your brain will act differently within 2 weeks … because you are going to be thinking about what you want to say tomorrow…”
What is the one key word in the video for me? “Commit.”
Commit to writing and publishing online every day. Every day. No matter whether it’s good or perfect or not so great at all.
Write. Click. Publish. Every. Day.
That’s a commitment to getting better at thinking and at courageously putting out to the world who you are.
And like Seth Godin suggests, there’s really nothing to lose and nothing to worry about (says she with Generalized Anxiety Disorder 😉 because nobody is reading you in the beginning anyway.
So I’m on track. I’ve been writing and posting daily now for a few days. I just have got to keep it up and watch myself start from zero, and progress along the way.
Never mind just try, commit.
Nobody is reading this anyway, right?
Always Love,