Yesterday I walked 5K through the lush green shaded forest to the sunny warm rocky shell beach in my neighbourhood on Vancouver Island.
Nearly there, I headed down the tiny hill, looking down at the sneakers on my feet and the contrast of shade and shadow with dancing dappled light. This cute little dirt-gravel road shaded me with friendly forest trees kindly hold my hands from both sides on the way through. Upon arrival at the beach, the tide was way way out so I walk the pebbly rocky shell beach straight away to the very edge of the sea and I stretched my arms way up up up to the sky, to and to b.r.e.a.t.h.e. in the fresh salty air deep into my lungs.
Just BE. I did.
As I turned around to head home, I scanned the moon-like landscape at low tide and in the distance was a rock that I had likely seen a gazillion times before yet was clearly never truly present to her fabulousness. This wider than a human being rock, lay at about a 45 degree angle, with her highest point, pointing up to the sun. A near-perfectly-flat surfaced stone, sunlit light gray from a distance, inviting me to lay flat-on-flat-back-on-flat-rock and look up up to the sky, to warm my sore back on the solidly grounding gift of stone in nature before me. I lay down. Then I wrote and posted this :
“It’s not every day I lie on a perfectly large warmed by the sun rock on the beach … and look to the beautiful sky above, and smile and take a selfie … no, not ever before. At this moment (the one moment in time that we only ever have in any one given moment) I’m incredibly grateful simply to be alive, to be breathing (yes, grateful for the simplicity and complexity of just … our … BREATH … gratitude for the physical ability to walk and to enjoy nature and the beauty of Vancouver Island … to have struggle, pain, global suffering all around me, and to be part of the pain (we are all in it ALL together) and to have pain in my own life, yet, somehow know, it’s going to be OK. We are all going to be OK. Have faith, trust, go within, and find the strength you didn’t think you had (trust me it’s there) … as now is the time for all of us to pull out of the woodwork, our best self, our greatest and kindest self, because that’s what the world needs … ALL of us showing all of us .:. kindness and heart but with smarts and art ! love and compassion but with brains, intellect and intuition … we are not one thing we are all ALL things and maybe, just maybe, if I learned something, just one thing during this pandemic, is that I am, what I always knew, not one thing but all things. It’s no surprise. What’s a surprise is how so much more relaxed I am now in knowing it’s true.
Much love, Brenda”
[EDIT : Please, have a listen below! I recorded a brief audio clip of me reading my little story to accompany the visuals and written text above. What a fun little project this was! ]
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This was beautiful Admin. Thank you for your reflections.