Long time no post. Well at least I waited for something super important to share. I finally am getting my new podcast online … after weeks and months or more of delays.
For now, it is called “The Brenda Johima Show” because after all the other gazillion podcast titles I came up with, I realized that none would last for the long term, as my life is an ever-changing ever-evolving work of art. I am not changing my name, so for now, my name will stick and so will my podcast name, so I am boldly and courageously, “The Brenda Johima Show.”
I will create a new post and with a link to the first episode once it is all set up on my podcast hosting account. For now, here is a tiny intro. video that I posted to Instagram.
In my first episode I talk about perfectionism. Who can relate?
However, all we have to do is TRY. To take action, to start where we are with what we have, and to start from right there. Then with baby steps or quantum leaps we go onto the next thing, or in this case, onto the next episode.
As Seth Godin would say, everybody should have a blog and to write and post every day online, whether anybody is reading it or not (often likely not in the beginning) and I think the same holds true for podcasting … we cannot expect, nor do I, to have any listeners at all in the beginning. That’s OK! It gives you lots of time to practice, to heal and to try out vocal and audio stuff online.
Thanks a bunch,
Brenda Johima