Thank you for blue skies.
Thank you for the sun.
Thank you for the forests.
Thank you for the sea.
Thank you for the rivers.
Thank you for the creeks.
Thank you for the rain.
Thank you for fresh air.
Thank you for the earth and for the soil.
Thank you for fire that cleanses and offers renewal.
Thank you for plentiful and fresh clean drinking water.
As I spend so much time in nature on Vancouver Island with my dog Teddy, I am blessed with a state of gratitude daily. It is impossible to not feel grateful amongst the green lush foliage and greenery of a West Coast rain forest when walking in it. The greens alone, are healing, a visual paradise for all of the senses, heart and soul.
Alongside gratitude, is peace, should we choose it.
Today, may we promote peace, compassion and kindness for all beings. May we have strength the wisdom to bring goodwill to all we meet.
Always Love,