(Revised April 11, 2013, I have scaled this event down to a smaller, more manageable size, within the conference, so please stay tuned for an updated blog post … and get ready to start to share cell phone images 😉
I’m thrilled to announce and to make public, that I will be once again coordinating the Mobile Phone Photo-Art Show for Social Media Camp 2013 in Victoria B.C.
To date, I’ve instigated, designed, implemented and coordinated 3 mobile phone photography shows. (two in Victoria, one in Courtenay) This will be my fourth, and is the second year in a row for this social media conference.
In past, I’ve called the displays “Mobile Phone Photo-Art Shows” in order to be inclusive of all cell phone camera phones, and not only iPhones. (even though personally, I’m an avid and prolific iPhoneographer) Also, I wanted to be reflective of  mobile photography not only as a powerful marketing tool, but also as an art form, where social media marketers, advertisers and business owners can showcase their very best. We also have now, more than ever before, an opportunity to take even more risk to get even more creative.
In brief, there will be several ways that you can participate at the conference, and for this year, not only at the conference, but also leading up to the conference. We’ll be making a difference with cell phone photography leading up to Social Media Camp 2013 and I’ll announce how you can start working towards that, very shortly. Very exciting! Two, Three, and Four … well, the rest of the details will be announced online shortly, right here.
In addition to this blog, which will be the hub for it all, I’ll also be contributor to the Social Media Camp Blog.
The power of mobile photography is in the hands of almost everyone nowadays. Yet we’ve only just begun to harness the power of photos for social media sharing of images, community building and for relationship building. It’s no longer only about marketing, it’s about posting quality images that connect mobile photographer to viewers and subject, in an emotional way that has impact. In essence, how I see it, the photos that are works of ART, will, more and more, stand out from the rest of the sea of images online.
“Better quality images make for a more beautiful web.”
Having said that … you also don’t need to be an artist or designer or photographer to create great images that have impact! There are tools, techniques and tips available to everyone via mobile photography that help celebrate creativity and build community. We’ll be doing just that.
See you in 2013 at Social Media Camp.
— Brenda Johima