We all find inspiration to create, from many sources. Creativity requires looking within, and also looking around us, for ideas that spark our imagination, in order to move forward in our own way, and the key is, to move forward … in our own way.
There are many “success” strategies and business strategies out there for you to model, to follow, and to in fact, copy. Many business owners find this a way that works very well for them, a map to follow on their journey, so to say. There is nothing wrong with using a system, a strategy that others have designed and taken the time to perfect, to make things more efficient in business so that you can spend your time as an artist/creative … on creating, immersed in the creative process and the passion that drove you to start your business in the first place. In fact, using someone elses “system”, if you are not good at creating these, is a good idea.
I am not speaking of systems and strategy here (most, but not all creatives need to look outside to find a system and a strategy), I am speaking of ideas, you know, the hard work it takes to come up with something cool, something awesome, something remarkable, something that required your own creative process and hard work … something that YOU came up with, in those uncomfortable moments of silence and solitude sometimes required in the creative process … All that stuff. You took the time to put that gem of an idea into making and actually creating (an end product) … something with meaning, that you are proud to put out into the world.
That part, the hard stuff, the stuff that is actually YOU … you can’t copy that from someone else. As soon as you do try to get that from outside yourself, you’ve become lazy, not yourself, your true self. And plus, it’s just too darn obvious.
There are also many “successful people” as a creative, to follow, and to in fact, copy. You could copy ideas? You can’t copyright an idea, right? Seems like a faster, easier way to work? It’s so easy to read someone else’s blog, read their Tweets, watch what they are doing in your community, and then twist it to make it your “own” now isn’t it? (I actually had a business consultant tell me once that they recommend to their clients that they find a successful business woman and copy them, in order to become successful. Shocking, but true. Not for me, thanks)
Many business owners find this a way of copying, works very well for them, a map to follow on their journey, so to say. If that works for you, and makes you comfortable, by all means, do it. Does it really make you “comfortable?” You know deep down that you copied the idea. You know deep down, that niggling little feeling, when you know someone just had a better idea, and you wish it was yours, so you took it, and used it.
I think the world wants YOU, not a copycat. Have courage. That part, the hard stuff, the stuff that is actually YOU … we want that. Other people can’t copy that.
As a creative, I love this:
“Find your voice, don’t copy someone else’s.” ~ Seth Godin
The world wants YOU, not a copycat.
~ Brenda Johima ~