Be Different

I wouldn’t know if fitting in is any fun. Being different means you are on the sidelines looking in, often searching for a place to belong. Usually you don’t find it. Being different means you often make no sense to others and that they can’t figure you out. Being different often equals exclusion. Until you…

If I Had One Regret

If I had one regret, it would be having listened to other people instead of myself, to my own intuition, and to my own gut. Other people don’t know you, and they may be wrong, and they may not be able to see what you can see in the future, and they may not feel…

Don’t Wait For Them

Have you ever wasted your time on a relationship? And I mean, wasted. Chasing, hoping, wishing, waiting, trying and giving them chance after chance after chance … of course, most of us have. We usually want the people we love, to stay in our lives. IF I could teach younger people anything at all, it…

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Running away from. Resisting.   Wanting to be anywhere other than where you are at this very moment, causes suffering and pain of some sort, at some level. “Bloom where you are planted” is very simple. Stop resisting where you are right now. BE. There. Now. Make the most of it, make it the best…

Can’t Change It

Maybe I need to reconsider acceptance, which I wrote about yesterday and as soon as I wrote the words, I knew my brain may be tricking me. As soon as I clicked publish, I knew that my brain may be playing tricks on me. Accepting the things from our past that we can’t change, like…