Lifted up from the depths
Kindness from strangers Gratitude given Lifted up from the depths Awoken from a bad dream — Brenda Johima
Kindness from strangers Gratitude given Lifted up from the depths Awoken from a bad dream — Brenda Johima
Patience has never been my best quality, but now with having breast cancer, and spending time in the garden with my camera, the garden is proving to be my best teacher for learning patience. With Gratitude, Brenda
Today I walked my own dog! I’m not supposed to (post-surgery) for another week but I’m getting sooooo bored. I used a whack of home baked bison sirloin treats (yes, I had to know he’d do anything for me) … and my clicker and a short 4 ft. lead to get him to the marsh…
Touch Yourself. Australian artist Chrissy Amphlett died in 2013 of breast cancer. In her memory, ten Australian women singers carry the melody of “I Touch Myself” from one to another in a tribute to Christine Joy Amphlett. I Touch Myself was re-recorded as an “anthem for women’s health.” Here’s the song and video: Here’s a behind the scenes look…
“What you are talking about to someone might not be the thing you are talking about.” — Brenda Johima
It’s been over a year since I have posted to this blog. I told myself that I would never be a blogger who blogs just because you are “supposed” to. Writing … and life, has to have meaning for me, and … especially if you are putting it out to the entire world to read.…
I could not love you Even if you were Lying next to me As it would be A dangerous friendship And it would be Too close for comfort As I’d get hurt And I’d get my heart broken I know Because your love Could fill three oceans Yet none of them Swimming pools For me…
Today I was paralyzed by fear. I started my cancer journey, happy, upbeat, positive, optimistic and hopeful. It was an instant choice upon hearing my diagnosis. I wanted (and want) to stay in that place. I knew (and know) that it’s not possible or human do to so. We were born with a wide range…
The power of your mind, and the ability to use it for good, is the best thing you own. Think Power Thoughts. — Brenda Johima
The tears. They come out of nowhere. Here and there. Surprises. And balm. — Brenda Johima